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PWS Supports the Incommunities Lightening the Load Campaign

December 2022

The PWS team packing winter warmth bags

As part of our aims within Corporate Social Responsibility, PWS strive to engage with partners, suppliers and customers to support them where we can. This could be in the form of charitable donations, including both financial and gifts in kind.

Incommunities are a social housing landlord who commit to improving the lives of their customers and communities. One way they do this is by helping those who might be going through financial difficulties, offering free, confidential support from their Money Matters team.

The Money Matters team provide crucial support for those who need it, assisting customers with all aspects of financial hardships such as debt, energy top-ups, specialist signposting and benefit support.

Recently, we have shown our support to their Lightening the Load campaign by donating resources for those who might be struggling to stay warm this winter.

Lightening the Load Campaign

The Lightening the Load campaign is part of the Incommunities initiative to support people through the cost-of-living crisis. This includes support with energy costs, food shopping and keeping warm (for example, providing new duvets and blankets as well as boots, hats and scarves).

With help from this campaign, it is hoped that Incommunities customers will no longer need to choose between essentials such as food or heating as temperatures start to drop. The initiative also allows the Money Matters team to purchase one-off items such as slow cookers to ensure all customers can have a hot meal even if they don’t have an oven or cannot afford to run one. 

PWS are proud to support this campaign by offering our resources where we can. This includes donating items to help keep people warm this winter. In our winter warmth packs, we have included a fleece blanket, insulated cup, hat and thermal-lined gloves and socks. It’s a small part to play in such an important campaign, but we hope these warmth packs can make a positive difference to those who need it this winter.

To learn more about the Incommunities Lightening the Load campaign, you can visit their website. Or if you’d like to find out more about our community engagement at PWS, visit our Corporate Social Responsibility page. 

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